We're just a million little gods causing rainstorms, turning every good thing to rust.

I guess we'll just have to adjust.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

just let go

Life is pretty funky - It throws things in your way to make you stronger as you work around them, preparing you for the rest of it. It's full of suprises we come to either love or fear. It's something to be respected and cherished, something to not be taken lightly because we only have one shot at it. But that shot is our own to control. Make the best of what you've got, never have regrets and never look back. Every breathe we take is our own, marking just another moment of your existance. We don't need to rush through life. There's no pot of gold waiting at the end, there's no way to get there faster. When you get there, you'll just wish you could turn around and go back. Cherish everything, live in the moment and make the most out of life.

Everyone always fusses. The nagging fear of making mistakes is what sets back those who choose to listen. Mistakes are not to be feared, they're to be cherished. As hard as that may be, they define who we are. Nowadays, you are defined by how you handle your mistakes. Every wrong turn, bad timing and poor choice of words sets our future. Just becuase you tripped over your feet a few times doesn't mean you're headed for disaster. Life's what you make it. If you choose to let your misjudgments and missinterpretations keep you back, you're gonna gonna stay back. Think nothing of the future and forget about the past.


  1. you spelt choice wrong , 2nd paragraph .
    profound .
    where do you get all these cool pictures ?
    jeeeeezzz louise ..

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Haha, oh yeah.
    thankyou for pointing that out. : D
    aaannndd uhm, if i told you, it wouldn't be my little secret. :c
    buut, the picture of the guy on my last one was from lookbook, and this one is from Sebastian Bentler's blog. : )
